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Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


J-Day registration deadline Sept. 20

J-Day Best of Show contest site now open until noon Sept. 21. This means you could enter coverage of this Friday’s events!

J-Day is bringing 50 speakers, covering a wide range of media issues and tips, to the Lory Student Center on the campus of Colorado State University on Thursday, Sept. 26.

Download a copy of our J-Day “At-a-glance” guide to get started with your planning for the day. We have 52 learning sessions from 50 presenters, all experts and all interested in students rising to new levels this school year.

Read session descriptions, speaker biographies and much more by downloading our conference program. Due to file size limits, you can find pages 1-6 here, and pages 7-12 here. We always advise attendees to map out their day in advance and to always find at least one alternate session, just in case.

Sept. 20 is the big deadline day, for online registration, using this form, and Best of Show entries are due in NLT noon, Sept. 21. Click to read all about Best of Show categories and how your students can enter.

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