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Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


JOB DESCRIPTIONS – CSMA Board of Directors

Latest revision: June 2022


  • Attend Summer Retreat, Fall Convention (J-Day) and regular in-person meetings unless excused by the President.
  • For all elected and appointed board members and committee chairs — Submit reports one week prior to designated meetings (President determines these). All reports must be submitted to the Vice President, in the format the Vice President requires. The Secretary will send a reminder, along with all requirements, via email, approximately two weeks prior to the reports being due.
  • Participate in CSMA networking (i.e. Twitter, Facebook).
  • Monitor censorship cases and adviser removal cases and report to the Advocacy Coordinator as needed.
  • Compile minutes of all formal meetings held by committees outside of Board meetings.
  • Review/create/update job descriptions annually, as directed by the president.
  • Work closely with all Board members to carry out policies and philosophy of CSMA.
  • Attend association press conferences and events as able (with or without students).
  • Actively encourage and recruit colleagues to become members of the Board.
  • Promote CSMA award and scholarship opportunities throughout the state.


THE PRESIDENT shall have general and active management of the affairs and property of the organization and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are put into effect. The president shall preside at Board of Directors meetings. The president will work with the Executive Director in the preparation of an Annual Report.

On a more pragmatic level this means:

  • Communicate with all officers and commission and committee chairs on a regular basis; suggest new commission and committee members, ways to eliminate problems and meet CSMA goals;
  • Coordinate with the Executive Director to communicate with members reminders of upcoming deadlines and with news about organization business or items;
  • Appoint Committee Chairs and Liaisons, and appoint and guide special committees;
  • Oversee CSMA finances, coordinating with the Executive Director prior to each board meeting;
  • Sign necessary documents (contest certificates, letters of recognition) – normally electronically;
  • Serve as spokesperson and contact person for CSMA in personal, written, and oral form;
  • Attend related organization meetings (CASE, CLAS), if schedule permits;
  • Coordinate with Vice President and Secretary on creation of the agenda for board meetings and retreat;
  • Work with Executive Director to organize the Winter Thaw Adviser Retreat in January/February.

Vice President / President-Elect

THE VICE PRESIDENT shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors or the president. In the absence or disability of the president, the vice president shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president until action is taken by the Board of Directors. Additionally, the vice president shall:

  • Appoint members to the general Board approved committees;
  • Work to promote CSMA and its programs;
  • Finalize and format information received from Board members for in-person meetings and send to the secretary to add to the agenda;
  • Assist in organizing and developing Winter Thaw Adviser Retreat;
  • Participate in board development discussions with President and Executive Director;
  • Coordinate with President and Secretary on creation of the agenda for board meetings and retreat;
  • Coordinate mentoring initiatives, including JEA Mentor Program;
  • Perform all other duties the president requests.


THE SECRETARY shall keep an accurate record of all Board meetings and shall perform such additional duties as are incident to the office and any other duties which the Board of Directors may assign. In the absence or disability of both the president and vice president, the secretary shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president until action is taken by the Board.

To do this, the secretary must:

  • Take minutes during the Board and special meetings;
  • Share copies of the minutes of each meeting to all Board members and committee chairs within 10 days following the meeting;
  • Provide copies of the minutes of each meeting to the Executive Director for posting to the website within 15 days following the meeting;
  • Follow up with Board members, regarding assigned tasks, via e-mail, but at least prior to each summer meeting;
  • Coordinate with President and Vice President on creation of the agenda for board meetings and retreat;
  • Provide accurate information to the president and Executive Director to assist in writing the annual report of the organization;
  • Prior to the one-week deadline, send reminders to all board members for submission of board member reports and/or agenda items;
  • Coordinates official CSMA PR materials including but not limited to local press releases, letters to participants, letters to scholarship winners, etc., in coordination with Executive Director;
  • Chair PR committee, if needed.

Immediate Past President

THE IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT shall serve as conference consultant to the executive director and as coordinator of the Summer Adviser Workshop (as needed). Additionally, the immediate past president serves as the chair of the Nominations Committee and assumes other duties as assigned by the president.

  • Conduct a review of the organization bylaws annually, proposing changes/updates when appropriate;
  • Work with executive director on J-Day conference details;
  • Help plan each Summer Adviser Workshop and find schools or locations for hosting.

Digital Media Coordinator

The DIGITAL MEDIA COORDINATOR works to promote visibility, best practices and communication/coordination among video broadcast and website programs throughout the state, and is encouraged to be active at the national level through appropriate agencies.

The coordinator will:

  • Establish a committee dedicated to the support of online media;
  • Work with the Education, Advocacy, and Middle School Coordinators as needed;
  • Contribute to workshops supporting digital media in all its forms.

 Advocacy Coordinator

The ADVOCACY COORDINATOR works to promote free speech, First Amendment rights and scholastic journalist rights with all publications and advisers in Colorado. The coordinator’s purpose is to increase awareness of press rights with administrators and to promote adviser protections. Through advocacy, the coordinator will provide a starting point for investigations of violations of press law in the state and give direction and support for students, publications and advisers.

The coordinator will:

  • Maintain a protocol for responding to FA “emergencies” that formalizes CSMA’s involvement and advocacy during these incidents;
  • Maintain relationships with the SPLC and ACLU to ensure partnerships and understanding when situations arise;
  • Establish and maintain relationship with CHSAA Commissioners to promote scholastic journalism through press passes, contests, etc.;
  • Maintain relationships with Colorado Press Association, CO Society of Professional Journalists, Colorado Press Women and other professional journalist organizations to promote scholastic journalism in the professional sector;
  • Offer workshops with district advisers/editors/administrators to gauge the compliance level and understanding of Colorado student free expression and the First Amendment.

Education Coordinator

The EDUCATION COORDINATOR works to provide educational support and ideas for advisers and journalism teachers in the state. The coordinator’s purpose is to provide educational resources and ideas, while also establishing journalism and publications as 21st Century Learning. By building sound educational practices across the state, the Education Coordinator will help to protect publication programs as a part of the educational opportunity.

The coordinator will:

  • Create a committee to promote educational opportunities in outreach situations;
  • Communicate resource opportunities to CSMA members through social media and;
  • Work with the Advocacy and Digital Media coordinators to create materials for distribution at state, local and vendor workshops;
  • Coordinate with CDE, CLAS, NCTE, CASE and other educational organizations to showcase how journalism education can meet many of the standards of 21st Century Learning;
  • Work with Executive Director to organize the Capitol Hill Press Conference each February.

Middle School Coordinator

The MIDDLE SCHOOL COORDINATOR works to provide support and ideas for Middle School advisers and journalism/technology teachers in the state. The coordinator’s purpose is to provide resources and ideas, while also establishing connections to the high school programs. By building connections across the state, the Middle School Coordinator will help to build middle school programs as a part of the educational and growth opportunity.

The coordinator will:

  • Establish a committee dedicated to the support and education of middle school publications;
  • Work with the Education, Advocacy, and Digital Media Coordinators as needed to help middle school programs;
  • Build middle school and junior high membership;
  • Establish and maintain workshops for middle school/junior high school students and programs.

Executive Director

THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR facilitates the workings of CSMA and helps maintain a strong and vibrant organization. This person maintains all association records, maintains an association office, leads all event planning activities, and handles all day-to-day finances of the association.

To fulfill all financial duties, the Executive Director must:

  • Provide copies of the budget/report of financial dealings on a quarterly basis to the board for subsequent publishing to the entire membership in an annual summary;
  • Work with president to create a yearly budget for approval by the board;
  • Manage all accounts payable;
  • Coordinate funding, payment and bookkeeping related to all CSMA scholarships;
  • Issue tax forms to individuals paid by CSMA;
  • File annual tax returns (Form 990-EZ) within the expectations of the IRS to ensure retention of non-profit;
  • Keep Board members apprised of movement of monies.

To fulfill all event planning duties, the Executive Director must:

  • Coordinate the event calendar;
  • Secure facilities for all official CSMA events;
  • Secure speakers and materials for events;
  • Secure sponsors for events;
  • Ensure financial viability of all events.

To fulfill all general duties that help maintain a strong, vibrant organization, the Executive Director must:

  • Maintain and regularly update the CSMA website;
  • Regularly inform members of all association activities through appropriate means, both through mailings and electronically;
  • Supervise all CSMA contests, including obtaining qualified judges, providing guidance to entrants, and producing awards in a timely manner;
  • Supervise all CSMA scholarships and awards, including coordinating selection committees, providing appropriate trophies and certificates;
  • Maintain connections between CSMA and state, regional and national organizations;
  • Complete all other ad hoc duties as required by the board.