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Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Why not make it official and get certified?

JEA members can take CJE or MJE tests in Denver in December, if applications are in soon

    Want to know why you should consider JEA certification? Check out http://jea.org/home/commissions/certification/

    Most people take the certification tests at a JEA/NSPA convention, but that may not be workable for you in the near future. Why not take the test (if that is necessary for you) right here in Colorado? We have the CPA board room (on Glenarm in downtown Denver) booked on Saturday, Dec. 7, and Jack Kennedy, MJE, can administer the tests at 9 a.m.
    The first step is to get your application in. Below you can see what Kim Green, JEA certification chair, suggests. You can find the form you need for CJE at http://jea.org/home/commissions/certification/certified-journalism-educator/ and you can find MJE info and forms at http://jea.org/home/commissions/certification/master-journalism-educator/
    The CJE test costs $60 and the MJE is $85, but perhaps that cost can be covered by your building or district professional development dollars.
    Give it some thought (and read what Kim has to say below, particularly in terms of deadlines). Then let Jack Kennedy know ([email protected]) if you are interested. Don’t delay, however. The very first step is to download, fill out and file the application form.
    * * * * * *
    From Kim Green, MJE:
     The first step is to get applications turned in and approved. To protect the integrity of the tests, we don’t test without the application because we need to make sure testers qualify to take the test —

    for MJE: JEA member, CJE, five years of experience, letter of recommendation from administrator or department chair attesting to candidate’s qualifications as a master educator, three professional growth activities; we don’t need the project proposal yet, but that would need to come in shortly to give candidates time to meet the March 1 deadline; they actually have a year in which to complete the process.

    for CJE Option A : JEA member, valid teacher license, 18 semester hours/27 quarter hours of journalism coursework — including three required courses: communications law/ethics, news writing/reporting and teaching journalism/advising student media (methods course). Some workshops may count for these courses; i.e. ASNE Reynolds Institute counts for both law/ethics and teaching/advising. No test.

    for CJE Option B: JEA member, valid teacher license, verification of employment, over three years teaching/advising.

    If your folks can get applications in to headquarters by Friday, Nov. 22, we can turn it around very quickly and get tests to you prior to your scheduled time. I’ll send the proctor instructions to you with a quick tutorial on Nov. 25.
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