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Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Capitol Hill Press Conference offers up close look at state government


Why not spend LEAP DAY WITH THE LEG on Monday, Feb. 29, 2016? There is no cost for CSMA members, though due to space limitations we ask that TWO students per member medium (plus the advisers) attend.

Again, this is a free event for CSMA members, but we ask you to complete this quick online form not later than Feb. 22.

The formal portion of the day begins at 11 a.m., in the Old Supreme Court Chambers of the State Capitol. We should wrap up by 2:30 p.m. We will discuss press conference etiquette and constructing great questions with a professional journalist, followed by short press conferences with legislators (details to be announced). The day ends with an on-the-spot writing contest.

We also recommend that you make arrangements to spend the morning visiting with your representatives, exploring the Capitol, and/or spending some time on the floor of the House or Senate.

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