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Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


We’re in the news

Rangeview adviser inspires, executive director gets philosophical in national adviser magazines

The latest Quill and Scroll magazine features a nice article by Zeb Carabello, online news adviser at Rangeview HS in Aurora, about journalism and diverse students. Great stuff, with a fine personal commentary from former Rangeview Review staff member Javon Harris, now a photographer and journalism major at Colorado State University. You will find the article on pages 14-15, but the entire issue is packed with good stuff, including rules and directions for entering the Quill and Scroll Yearbook Excellence contest. The deadline is Nov. 1, so that’s your next deadline after J-Day!

And the most recent Dow Jones News Fund Adviser Update features an article on advising (and teaching, and coaching), written by Jack Kennedy, based on the coaching philosophies of Steve Kerr, coach of the Golden State Warriors. You will find it on page 22-25, along with some nice photos of advisers and students from Brighton HS, Regis Jesuit HS, and Cherokee Trail HS. Again, don’t skip over the rest of this issue, packed with helpful advice for the new school year.

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