Don’t miss the chance to spend the day discussing ethics and student media on the CU-Boulder campus, Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017. This is a chance to recharge your advising “battery,” hang out with the best educators in the state, and think about how we can better serve our communities, no matter the student media we advise.
Our presenters include Dr. Bob Steele, retired Nelson Poynter Scholar for Journalism Values at The Poynter Institute, as well as Prof. Paul Voakes and Prof. Erin Schauster from CU.
We will meet in the University Memorial Center (UMC), rooms 382-386, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The UMC address is 1669 Euclid Avenue (corner of Broadway and Euclid Avenue) Boulder, CO 80309. Several public parking facilities are close by, and registrants will receive specific direction (costs are included in your registration fee).
A brown bag lunch is included with your registration fee, and we will wrap up the formal part of the day about 2:30 p.m.
Registration deadline is noon, Friday, Jan. 18, to allow for lunch orders to be processed. Please use this online registration form.
YOUR CHALLENGE: Why not bring an adviser from your school, from a feeder middle school, or from a neighboring community? This is a professional development opportunity that can’t be missed!
PLEASE NOTE: Winter Thaw this year doubles as part of the CSMA Press Law & Ethics course, taught by Adam Dawkins, CJE. Please contact Adam for additional information. Press Law & Ethics course participants should plan on a “wrap up” session after the workshop ends, running until 3:30 p.m.
The $35 registration includes parking and lunch.