You may not have seen the following, first sent to the JEA listserv on Aug. 26, but you definitely want to check out the Student Press Law Center’s improved site. And encourage your students to bookmark this site themselves!
We hope that you will take a few minutes — today, and every day — to visit the website, and let us know what you think.
This morning, after a year of groundwork, we flipped the switch on a greatly upgraded site that is designed to be more modern-looking and easier to navigate, with enhanced educational content that you can put to use in your classroom, your newsroom and your studio. We hope that you will pay special attention to the new Classroom Resources section, which puts in one place the handouts, lesson plans, instructional videos, podcasts and PowerPoints that can aid in your teaching (and learning) of current media-law topics.
Just some of the many new features on the site include:
“Learning from the Headlines” lesson plans tailored to stimulate class discussion about recent law-related news events.
“Ask Adam” videos on, featuring the lovely and talented Adam Goldstein taking questions from student journalists about their most problematic legal issues (if you send us one and we use it, we’ll send you a T-shirt).
A new “Get Involved” section that includes a talking-points primer about the work of SPLC, for those interested in representing the SPLC as surrogate speakers, plus public-service “house ads” and a website badge to show the world your support for student press rights.
We are enormously grateful to SPLC staffers Adam Goldstein, Brian Schraum and Julia Chapman for their creativity in designing this new content and their diligence in bringing it to reality.
Click around and get familiar with what’s available on the site, and if you like it, help us publicize the launch through your social networks (and of course, tell your students and your colleagues). Please bookmark and return often to check for new material, and of course, let me know directly at [email protected] if you’re not finding what you need or have an idea for making the site even better.
Frank D. LoMonte
Executive Director
Student Press Law Center
1101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209-2211
(703) 807-1904, ext. 121 phone
(703) 807-2109 fax
[email protected]