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Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Eaton journalists facilitate community debates on mascot

Spring, 2016 discussions help community think through sensitive issues

Sometimes being FEARless is simply helping a community have a civil discussion about an issue.

Community members, students and district employees conducted a great civil dialogue at the Red Ink’s public forum to discuss the Eaton mascot on Thursday, March 10 . The forum in the Eaton High School auditorium included Eaton community members, the Red Ink staff, alumni, teachers, school board members and 15 members of the Governor’s Commission to Study American Indian Representation in Public Schools (CSAIRPS). Other figures in attendance were mayor Scott Moser, soon-to-be mayor, Kevin Ross, and former Colorado State Senator Scott Renfroe.

Read the entire post from the Red Ink site here.

Their efforts resulted in wider interest, including an in-depth report from Colorado Public Radio. Coverage of that, plus a complete inventory of other coverage of the Eaton mascot discussions, can be found here.

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