What's Happening
Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


Colorado Student Media Association


All-Colorado Critique & Rating

IMPORTANT: The entry form and staff statement for each medium are completely online, using one of five online registration forms (each member student medium requires a separate registration form). Please note that the form does not save partially completed entries, so be sure to plan ahead and have required documents and information ready to upload when you are completing the online form. You must register each medium you advise NLT end of the day, June 3 (except a few pre-discussed fall delivery yearbooks).

The online critique registration forms are available now.

  • The critique registration form for yearbook.
  • The critique registration form for video broadcast.
  • The critique registration form for print news media.
  • The critique registration form for hybrid media (print plus online). NOTE: Members may enter EITHER print news or hybrid news, but not both.
  • The critique registration form for online news media (website and/or social media).

All current CSMA member media are eligible for this critique and rating service, and the cost is included in your membership dues.
2 Complete the online entry form for your particular medium (you will find the links near the top of this page).
3 Include your statement to the judge, with particular questions and with any comments you feel will help the judge accurately assess your medium (whether yearbook, website, printed news publication, hybrid news media, or video broadcast).
4 In addition to the entry form, you must send (and the online forms will guide you through these):

  • For yearbook: One copy of the 2024 volume of your yearbook. (Fall delivery books must communicate the estimated delivery date to Jed Palmer.)
  • For printed newspaper/newsmagazine: Up to three complete issues of the 2023-24 volume of the print publication, one from first semester and two from second semester, if possible. We will accept PDFs, whether uploaded, shared through Google Drive or shared through ISSUU. Contact Jed Palmer if you have questions.
  • For hybrid news media: Up to three complete issues of the 2023-24 volume of the print publication, plus links to online platforms, such as website and social media.
  • For video broadcast: Three complete programs, or a selection of up to ten videos that accompany other reporting (or standalone) representative of the year’s work in broadcast, whether over the air, in-school or on the web. You must send links to a hosting site such as YouTube, Vimeo, student website, etc. (please double-check that programs have been properly copied and that links are going to be working until at least September 1).
  • For website/social media: Send the link to your site (please do not disable links or remove content until at least September 1). Optional: send links to social media platforms used by the program (the judge will browse each if requested).

5 For print, mail everything in one package to CSMA, 1429 E Mineral Place, Centennial CO 80122. Postmark deadline this year is June 3, except for some pre-discussed fall delivery yearbooks.

Judging rubrics are below. Remember that you may choose EITHER print news only OR hybrid news media for your critique. You are encouraged to download a copy to use in doing staff planning over the summer (and you can then compare your thoughts with those of your judge when you receive the judging comment).
Print News Publication
Hybrid News Media
Video Broadcast
Online News (no print media)


All-Colorado Awards

The All-Colorado Awards are designed to provide a critique of each yearbook, newspaper, hybrid media program, video broadcast, and website submitted, along with honoring those media that meet a high standard of excellence. Each medium receives an overall rating, with All-Colorado being the highest award, and award certificates will be distributed during the J-Day Awards Ceremony.

Interested in individual contests for students? Please check the Best of Colorado page. Best of Colorado submission deadline is normally in early April and schools receive award certificates in early May.

The first All-Colorado Awards were presented at J-Day 2011, and replaced the Sweepstakes awards (which were derived by adding up individual award points in an earlier version of the Best of Colorado contests). Media earning All-Colorado ratings in six of seven consecutive years are inducted into the All-Colorado Hall of Fame, which began in 2017. You can read about the Hall of Fame here, and find the complete list of media who have been so honored. Will your medium be next?