Sports Reaction Individual Photo and Caption ( Middle School Yearbook)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Jefferson Academy JH - Yearbook Entry Title: Kick It Up a Notch Entry Credit: Grace Kingen, Georgia Miller, Nyah Bieser
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Castle Rock MS Yearbook Entry Title: Scream Loud and Proud Entry Credit: Sammy Swiech
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Euclid MS - yearbook Entry Title: Jumping for Joy Entry Credit: Lauren Stewart
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Ranch View MS - Yearbook Entry Title: Cross Country Entry Credit: Skyler Cao
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Mesa MS / Yeabook Entry Title: Photo/ Caption 1 Entry Credit: Allie Chasinoff, Irene Chen, Kameryn Flynn, Jules Howard, Josey Seymour, Emerson Wentworth, Elle Smith, Eli Porter
Competition Comment: It seems this group of entries were from middle schools. They made it a little harder to find the appropriate photograph for review.
Nevertheless, with matching entry titles with titles on the layout the connection was made.
One entry gave no indication or clue of which photo was to be reviewed. But because "all" the photos were OK received an honorable mention.
I am confident in my placements for this group.