News-Feature Photo and Caption ( Print News/Online Class III - over 1,800)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Cherry Creek HS / Newspaper Entry Title: Shout For Choice Entry Credit: Carly Philpott
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Regis Jesuit HS / Newspaper Entry Title: News Feature Photo and Caption Regis Jesuit Entry Credit: Owen Weis , Grant Barnes
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Regis Jesuit HS / Website Entry Title: FOCUSED ON THE NOTE Entry Credit: Lenny Osuna
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Rock Canyon HS - Website Entry Title: Cowgirl's Revenge Entry Credit: Claire Bauer
Competition Comment: A diverse group of photos, showing that powerful images can come from well-captured candid moments OR moments that are more artistically thought out/set up. Top photos in this category always capture a moment, however, and almost always use facial expression and good cropping/framing technique to draw in the reader. Notable exception with the second place winner, as the absence of faces and the close crop actually help tell the story of that moment.