2022-23 CSMA Best of Colorado
Lifestyle Coverage ( Print News/Online Class I - up to 1,000 )
Place Name:
First Place
Contestant Name:
Alamosa HS / Newspaper
Entry Title:
Make-A-Wish Fundraiser
Entry Credit:
Jaymi Gile, Regan Zook, Freija Dutton
Place Name:
Second Place
Contestant Name:
Conifer HS - Website
Entry Title:
New Season, New Gaming Session
Entry Credit:
Erich Bohn
Place Name:
Third Place
Contestant Name:
Eaton HS - newspaper
Entry Title:
The hunt for the perfect prom dress starts now
Entry Credit:
Maddie Fisher
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Englewood HS Website
Entry Title:
Learning about: Teen Homelessness
Entry Credit:
Hailey Darras, Logan Wortman
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Aspen HS - Website
Entry Title:
New Albums
Entry Credit:
Madyson Ryan
Place Name:
Honorable Mention
Contestant Name:
Englewood HS / Newspaper
Entry Title:
The Rules of the Road
Entry Credit:
Dylan Noll
Competition Comment:
The competition showed effort and creativity. The students are to be commended.