Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Powell MS / Yearbook Entry Title: #1_POWELL MS_066-067 STUDENT LIFE-compressed Entry Credit: Kevin Lyons, Claire Plisko, Sasha Tomeo, Grace Visscher
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Castle Rock MS Yearbook Entry Title: Ready for Justice Entry Credit: Deidra Hooper, Sydney Liedtke, Grayson Gutteron, Annika Visser, Ashlyn Trulove, Foster Walter
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Drake MS - yearbook Entry Title: #Phone It In Entry Credit: Kyra Henson
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Sierra Middle School / Yearbook Entry Title: Fashion Statement Entry Credit: Abby Valverde, Ashlyn Burgess, Addy Shea Landgren, Emily Mulhauser, Erika Groissant
Competition Comment: Creativity and fun characterized our top entries, with visuals sometimes provided by parents and non-staff... but woven into the design and coverage concepts.
Top entries had a clear coverage angle and were anchored by some sort of lead art, normally a photo.