Theme Package Presentation ( Yearbook Class I - up to 1,000)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Arvada HS - yearbook Entry Title: Where Everything's Just Right Entry Credit: Sydney Huyser
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Conifer HS / Yearbook Entry Title: We Are . . . Entry Credit: 2022-2023 Staff
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Eaton HS / Yearbook Entry Title: START OF SOMETHING NEW Entry Credit: Reds Yearbook Staff
Competition Comment: The top entries in theme package all had a clear "voice" exhibited in design, photos and writing. Best entries never forgot to include the context that made the great images even more meaningful. There is a tendency to drop captions and simply drop solid images into spreads, but there is no reason the theme package can't advance the overall coverage narrative of the year.