Sports Spread ( Yearbook Class II - 1,000-1,800)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Centaurus HS - Yearbook Entry Title: Centaurus Cyclists Entry Credit: Isabel Sanders, Elizabeth Wheelock
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Liberty HS / Yearbook Entry Title: Big Red Machine Entry Credit: Emily Robertson, Kaiah Tong
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Monarch HS / Yearbook Entry Title: We did that Entry Credit: Jane Tucker, Rylen McCauley
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Palmer Ridge HS / Yearbook Entry Title: Getting in the Zone Entry Credit: Olivia Michon, Sophia Sanderson, Krew Sloan, Micaela Yarbrough
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Broomfield HS - yearbook Entry Title: Wrestling Entry Credit: Victoria Gonzalez, Delaney Jones
Place Name: Honorable Mention Contestant Name: Coronado HS / Yearbook Entry Title: We got the beat, that mighty cougar beat! Entry Credit: Amelia Echols, Emma Corey, Aztin Arnell, Keilani Asuega, Nina Mullaly, Devin Schikora, Makaylee Elizondo, Kali Shultz, Erica Merz
Competition Comment: Winners all had engaging headlines and plenty of variety to create multiple entry points to attract readers. Remember to keep hierarchy top of mind. After the primary headline, where do you want readers to go second, third and so on? Be sure to size down in headlines appropriately rather than making second and third (and so on) the same size.