In-Depth Sports Coverage ( Print News/Online Class III - over 1,800)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Rock Canyon HS - Website Entry Title: The End of an Era is Just the Beginning Entry Credit: Claire Bauer
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Cherokee Trail HS / Website Entry Title: Boys Baseball plays annual game at Coors Field Entry Credit: Ava Zadigian, David Behrendt, Peyton Michlig, Jake Scott
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Grandview HS / Website Entry Title: Grandview’s New JV Ice Hockey Team Entry Credit: Jacob Swanson
Competition Comment: The winner featured the only truly in-depth reporting,, though other entries had possibilities.
Depth begins with reporting, and that requires observation of the game or event, spending time finding trends and challenges, and interviewing with the aim of explaining motivations and specific strategies that a team made use of... no matter the level of success.
The best packages featured strong photojournalism that complemented the copy.