Alternative Coverage Treatment ( Print News/Online Class III - over 1,800)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Grandview HS / Website Entry Title: The Wolves Go Digital: Grandview’s New App Entry Credit: Zoe Casebolt, Jake Chau
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Rock Canyon HS - Website Entry Title: Dare to Share Your Hair: What You Need To Know Entry Credit: River Brown
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Regis Jesuit HS / Newspaper Entry Title: Alternative Coverage Regis Jesuit Entry Credit: John Burns , Axel Powell , John Paul Robertson
Competition Comment: Make sure to source all images, especially ones that aren’t originally created. Make sure to consider how to design the white space and lines around these side bar options. The audience should be able to tell right away which part of the story is the side bar, and which part of the story is the main story piece.