Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Drake MS - yearbook Entry Title: Pressing Onward Entry Credit: Kayla Grenwis, Kyra Henson, Andrew Lee
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Powell MS / Yearbook Entry Title: 203_068-069_POWELL MS SPORTS Entry Credit: Sean Yilmaz, Waverly Aye, Connor Baclawski
Place Name: Third Place Contestant Name: Rocky Heights MS / Yearbook Entry Title: Get Your Head in the Game Entry Credit: Ella McNitt , Izzy Orner , Shea Thompson
Competition Comment: Wow, super job in this category! In general due to COVID, sports were not an easy topic to cover this year, but all of these contest entries found good stories and coverage of sports at their schools. The top entries in this category showed impressive design skills as well. Great job including lots of students and quotes on these spreads.