Photo Essay ( Print News/Online Class II - 1,000-1,800)Back
Place Name: First Place Contestant Name: Palmer Ridge HS / Newspaper Entry Title: "Yule" Love the Palmer Lake Yule Log Festival Entry Credit: Kaitlynn Ketchell, Luxe Palmer
Place Name: Second Place Contestant Name: Grand Junction HS - Newspaper Entry Title: Rocketman Re-imagined Entry Credit: Abby Price, Ashley Guddat
Competition Comment: There were only two submissions to this category; however, they were both excellent.
First place "Yule" Love the . . . was an interesting feature on a small town tradition. A gallery of 17 beautiful photos highlight town folk, a building, and nature. Well written descriptive text accompany the photos, and tell the story of the yule tradition.
The second place winner "Rocketman Re-imagined" is an interesting feature on one student and his realization about his life during the COVID-19 pandemic. A gallery of six colorful photos show the subject. Meaningful quotes from the subject accompany the photos.